Tuesday, June 17, 2008

California Here I Come and Other News

God...it's been almost a month since I blogged. I intended to post before this. I'm going to try to be a little better now that things have slowed down.

But, I've got a few tidbits of good news.

I was picked for one of the 8 poetry spots at this year's Lambda Literary Foundation Retreat in August with DA Powell.

I finished up and mailed out my contributor's agreement for my essay to appear in Michael Montlack's Diva Complex.

I'll be on deck as a speaker/reader at a tribute to Irene McKinney, WV Poet Laureate, next Monday night.

I almost forgot one: Brian's flying in Sunday night and we'll be spending a few days in Charleston.


Collin Kelley said...

Welcome back, RJ. Was about to send out a search party for your ass.

I just put my DIVA Complex agreement in the mail this morning. Very exciting.

Congrats on the Lambda retreat!

Brent Goodman said...

That's great news man. Congrats. Good to hear from you and have a blast!

Unknown said...

Yeay Lambda! Enjoy SF in August...it's awesome! DA Powell is wonderful.

Anne Haines said...

Woo hoo! Have fun at Lambda! You'll have a great time in Doug's workshop... he's an amazing teacher. I'm envious! I thought about applying for that, but the money just isn't there for a workshop this year... I hope you'll blog about it so we can all share in the experience vicariously!

(As an amusing "small world" note, I first met Michael Montlack a few years back in DA Powell's workshop in Provincetown. So cool to see that his diva book is getting off the ground! I don't know Irene McKinney at all, though. :) )

RJGibson said...

Thanks Guys. I'm still sort of floating while it's sinking in.

RJGibson said...

Anne: You should check out her last book "Vivid Companion" from WVU Press. It's her third book--but by far my favorite.