Saturday, June 9, 2007

Postcards from the Edge

I love when my friends travel--especially when they decide to send postcards or pictures. It's interesting to note that they never really send things like pictures of cityscapes at night, grand landmarks, or those sorts of things. Nope--not my friends--they really seem to think of me when they correspond. They send me things like this:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
from Holly, Greece and the Mediterranean, 1995

or this:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
from Minda, Greece, 2003

or this:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
from Ashlee, Belgium, 2007

And of course they don't just send me examples of statuary and fine art--they also share their nature snaps.


Pamela Johnson Parker said...

About all I can think about the, er, nature snap is Yipes Stripes!

Charles said...

That peeing boy is one of the national symbols of Belgium.

The story goes that during a civil war in the country, the two sides were preparing for battle when a little naked boy ran out into the field and pissed. Everyone started laughing and they decided not to fight that day because the peeing boy was too delightful for war.

Now you can buy little corkscrews of the peeing boy, where the curled screw is his urine stream.